TBP KG, established in 2006, specialises in the construction of fireproof buildings.
We are a technical service provider, offering outsourcing and consulting services, as well as implementation and manufacture.
If you have peak production in the field of refractory construction, we can gladly take care of it for you.
We work with AutoCAD Mechanical.
Technisches Büro Pemmer
Wachaublick 6/12
3394 Berging
UID Nr.: ATU66020726
Commercial register: FN351794w
Place of jurisdiction: Landesgericht St. Pölten
Mobile: | +43 (0)664 4224 202 |
Email: | Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. |